Special Academic Support

Academic support for all students is available in a variety of forms:
• The California College allows student progress to be monitored closely and continuously. Thus, any remedial action, if and when needed, is tailored to the specific needs of individual students.
• Aided by the librarian, the student can choose a book at the specific level. He/she is allowed one week to read the book, after which time the student goes to the library again and takes a multiple choice comprehension test on the book. Upon successful completion of each book, the student is awarded. Which enhance and develop the student's educational level.
• Students who begin to slip back for one reason or another may be supported by one or more of the below support methods:
o Summer School Students who are below the required academic standard may attend summer school in an effort to catch up before the beginning of the academic year. Summer school courses take place during the morning hours only.
o Intensive Courses Intensive Courses are offered for students who have either not studied in English before or whose English and/or math is weak. This accelerated program brings students up to the required level in the shortest possible time. When the Administration considers that students are ready, they join regular classes.
o Study group sessions are provided by the Academic Prefects of the California CollegeStudent Life Organization
